Thursday, November 7, 2013

Invocation to San Pascual for modern times

Laziness, lack of reading, a lot of work and lack of encouragement for cooking have kept me away from this blog for months. Visits infinitely grateful friends and the responses that I have written not to continue in the effort.

I briefly drawing but nothing serious. I accompanied my husband to visit the desert for a few days astronomical observatories. The trip left me exhausted. Then I visited and I got to change furniture in every room of the house. I have not read anything new, just an interesting novel The Solitude of Prime Numbers , by Paolo Giordano written, which I used for this blog because its protagonist was anorexic, and food ... nothing.

But here I am again, trying to survive my unfriendly inconstancy. Hope you like this post, if anyone dares to even visit.

the desert I brought, plus the fascination with the landscape, a figurine of San Pascual Baylon. It was a time that I had seen in pictures of Mexican cuisines, but on arriving at Albuquerque, NM. everywhere I found to my surprise and delight. There was the saint in restaurants, shops, tiles, aprons, altarpieces and representation in every possible imaginable.

Also in all its variants, the Mexico that suit is very convincing and formal, but the most abundant was another: the version for this saint in New Mexico, different and charming, with details as local as an Indian feather in the hat, the string of chili or fish in hand, and firewood to heat the stove and housing. A local craftsman, Hector Rascon , are created and successfully sold throughout the Southwest area.

From my trip, more so I declare this holy devotee, whom I particularly like the legends that have to do with their dance steps to prepare meals, or clumsiness in the kitchen that led to the unique molecular poblano .

A San Pascual put it in my kitchen and I hope to help improve my poor stews, is supposed to help if he prays his prayer dancing. I for one, and confident that the Holy variations do not bother, I wrote an invocation to share with you and that is better suited to these terrible times of inflation and "junk food." Here I offer:

  • San Pascual Bailon Santo,
  • housing and Hispanic cuisine,
  • devoutly I make this prayer
  • that I'll post in my blog today or tomorrow.
  • With your bowl and your spoon armed
  • protecting my health and my livelihood,
  • do not miss the food home
  • nutritious, tasty, and nicely varied.
  • Santo of the mole, and the curd bread,
  • confectionery and pastry,
  • away from my desk and shelves
  • the tasteless frozen food.
  • patio in my garden flourish beam
  • thyme, cilantro and rosemary,
  • which always leaves smell of pot
  • to good stew and plenty of fresh grass.
  • Finally I ask, if it is given,
  • (and ask you dance with great joy)
  • oh, San Pascual, thou wonder,
  • could you lower market prices?

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